Save a DataFrame to a table

Executing insert statements with the DatabaseManager.execute() method as shown above is not very practical if you have a lot of data in a pandas.DataFrame that you want to save to a table. In these cases it is better to use the method DatabaseManager.save_df(). It uses the power of pandas.DataFrame.to_sql() method and lets you save a pandas.DataFrame to a table in a single line of code.

The example below shows how to insert data to the table Item using a pandas.DataFrame.


import io
import pandas as pd
import pandemy

# The content to write to table Item
data = io.StringIO(r"""
1;Pot;0;This pot is empty.
2;Jug;0;This jug is empty.
3;Shears;0;For shearing sheep.
4;Bucket;0;It's a wooden bucket.
5;Bowl;0;Useful for mixing things.
6;Amulet of glory;1;A very powerful dragonstone amulet.
7;Tinderbox;0;Useful for lighting a fire.
8;Chisel;0;Good for detailed Crafting.
9;Hammer;0;Good for hitting things.
10;Newcomer map;0;Issued to all new citizens of Gielinor.
11;Unstrung symbol;0;It needs a string so I can wear it.
12;Dragon Scimitar;1;A vicious, curved sword.
13;Amulet of glory;1;A very powerful dragonstone amulet.
14;Ranarr seed;1;A ranarr seed - plant in a herb patch.
15;Swordfish;0;I'd better be careful eating this!
16;Red dragonhide Body;1;Made from 100% real dragonhide.

df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=data, sep=';', index_col='ItemId')  # Create the DataFrame

db = pandemy.SQLiteDb(file='Runescape.db')  # Create the SQLite DatabaseManager instance

with db.engine.connect() as conn:
   db.save_df(df=df, table='Item', conn=conn, if_exists='replace')
$ python

DatabaseManager.save_df() implements all parameters of pandas.DataFrame.to_sql(). The if_exists parameter is slightly different. if_exists controls how to save a pandas.DataFrame to an existing table in the database.

if_exists accepts the following values:

New in version 1.2.0: ‘drop-replace’

In the pandas.DataFrame.to_sql() method ‘fail’ is the default value. The option ‘replace’ drops the existing table, recreates it with the column definitions from the pandas.DataFrame, and inserts the data. By dropping the table and recreating it you loose important information such as primary keys and constraints.

In DatabaseManager.save_df() ‘replace’ deletes all current records before inserting the new data rather than dropping the table. This preserves the existing columns definitions and constraints of the table. Deleting the current records is done with the DatabaseManager.delete_all_records_from_table() method. The ‘drop-replace’ option is the equivalent of ‘replace’ in pandas.DataFrame.to_sql().