
Initializing a SQLite DatabaseManager with no arguments creates a database that lives in memory.

>>> import pandemy
>>> db = pandemy.SQLiteDb()
>>> print(db)
SQLiteDb(file=':memory:', must_exist=False)

The file parameter is used to connect to a database file and if the file does not exist it will be created, which is the standard behavior of SQLite. The file parameter can be a string or pathlib.Path with the full path to the file or the filename relative to the current working directory. Specifying file=':memory:' will create an in memory database which is the default.

>>> import pandemy
>>> db = pandemy.SQLiteDb(file='my_db.db')
>>> print(db)
SQLiteDb(file='my_db.db', must_exist=False)

Require the database to exist

Sometimes creating a new database if the database file does not exist is not a desired outcome. Your application may expect a database to already exist and be ready for use and if it does not exist the application cannot function correctly. For these circumstances you can set the must_exist parameter to True which will raise pandemy.DatabaseFileNotFoundError if the file is not found.

>>> import pandemy
>>> db = pandemy.SQLiteDb('my_db_does_not_exist.db', must_exist=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pandemy.exceptions.DatabaseFileNotFoundError: file='my_db_does_not_exist.db' does not exist and and must_exist=True. Cannot instantiate the SQLite DatabaseManager.