Source code for pandemy.exceptions

r"""The exception hierarchy of Pandemy."""

# ===============================================================
# Imports
# ===============================================================

# Standard library
from typing import Any, Optional

# ===============================================================
# Classes
# ===============================================================

[docs]class PandemyError(Exception): r"""*The* base :exc:`Exception` of Pandemy. Parameters ---------- message : str The exception message. data : Any, default None Optional extra data to to save as an attribute on the instance. Useful to give more details about the cause of the exception. """ def __init__(self, message: str, data: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: = data super().__init__(message)
[docs]class InvalidInputError(PandemyError): r"""Invalid input to a function or method."""
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # DatabaseManagerError # ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DatabaseManagerError(PandemyError): r"""Base :exc:`Exception` for errors related to the :class:`DatabaseManager <pandemy.DatabaseManager>` class. """
[docs]class CreateConnectionURLError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Error when creating a connection URL to create the database :class:`Engine <sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>`. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """
[docs]class CreateEngineError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Error when creating the database :class:`Engine <sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>`."""
[docs]class DatabaseFileNotFoundError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Error when the file of a SQLite database cannot be found."""
[docs]class DataTypeConversionError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when converting data types of columns in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`."""
[docs]class DeleteFromTableError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when deleting data from a table in the database."""
[docs]class ExecuteStatementError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when executing a SQL statement with a :class:`DatabaseManager <pandemy.DatabaseManager>`. """
[docs]class InvalidColumnNameError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when supplying an invalid column name to a database operation. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """
[docs]class InvalidTableNameError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when supplying an invalid table name to a database operation."""
[docs]class LoadTableError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when loading tables from the database."""
[docs]class SaveDataFrameError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when saving a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to a table in the database."""
[docs]class SetIndexError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when setting an index of a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` after loading a table from the database. """
[docs]class SQLStatementNotSupportedError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when executing a method that triggers a SQL statement not supported by the database dialect. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """
[docs]class TableExistsError(DatabaseManagerError): r"""Errors when saving a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to a table and the table already exists."""